Todoroki Disgraced, my final coding project!
To make my project, I looked at this image for a reference. This is Todoroki from Boku no Hero Academia. He's my favorite character, so I figured I would do a portrait of him. It seemed like it would be easy because a face is just a bunch of circles, but I was in for way more than I knew when I first started working on it. All together, finishing this took roughly 8 hours and 30 minutes. Without further ado, here is my project, Todoroki Disgraced. Getting the gradient of the background and the base of the face was easy, but everything after that was a struggle. My first obstacle was to switch the gradient of the scar from going side-to-side to up and down. Then I struggled with putting lines in that didn't affect the strokes on other shapes, but others in the class had the same problem, so Professor Roundtree figured out what we were doing wrong and helped us. The Bezier curve gave me the biggest struggle of all- I didn't quite get...