
Showing posts from September, 2021

Todoroki Disgraced, my final coding project!

    To make my project, I looked at this image for a reference.     This is Todoroki from Boku no Hero Academia. He's my favorite character, so I figured I would do a portrait of him. It seemed like it would be easy because a face is just a bunch of circles, but I was in for way more than I knew when I first started working on it. All together, finishing this took roughly 8 hours and 30 minutes.     Without further ado, here is my project, Todoroki Disgraced.     Getting the gradient of the background and the base of the face was easy, but everything after that was a struggle. My first obstacle was to switch the gradient of the scar from going side-to-side to up and down. Then I struggled with putting lines in that didn't affect the strokes on other shapes, but others in the class had the same problem, so Professor Roundtree figured out what we were doing wrong and helped us. The Bezier curve gave me the biggest struggle of all- I didn't quite get...

History of the Internet

         The Internet - what is it? Well, that's what I'm posting on right now with this blog. Of course, for this assignment, I need to give a detailed definition of what it is. I'm going to look it up on Google; it's ironic that I'm researching about the Internet on the Internet! According to The Guardian, the Internet is an interconnected web of cables and wires that "allows computer networks around the world run by companies, governments, universities and other organizations to talk to one another"(1). The invention of this amazing web of communication is credited to two scientists named Robert Khan and Vinton Cerf (2). They originally used it for transferring data packets between two computers, which we still do to this day, but on a much larger scale as well as many other things.     The World Wide Web - the 'www' that is at the beginning of every website URL- is a way to view all the information that the Internet offers. The web, which is o...
      This is the first time I've posted on a blog that wasn't on, so go easy on me if this doesn't look the best. My name is Lauren Pubillones and I'm from Sevierville, Tennessee. I love the ocean and all the animals that are in it, which is why I'm going to college here at UT and majoring in marine biology. I work at the aquarium in my home county, but only in the education department which isn't as hands on as I'd like it to be. I have gotten the opportunity, however, to do some of the things that the husbandry department (where I will be after I get my degree) does, like feeding the stingrays. This is a picture of me feeding a female spotted eagle ray.     I was put into this class as part of my Baccalaureate that is required for graduation credits, but I'm actually pretty excited to learn this stuff. I'll be able to make better memes once I learn the basics of Photoshop. On the left is the selfie, on the right is the ASCII version.