History of the Internet

         The Internet- what is it? Well, that's what I'm posting on right now with this blog. Of course, for this assignment, I need to give a detailed definition of what it is. I'm going to look it up on Google; it's ironic that I'm researching about the Internet on the Internet! According to The Guardian, the Internet is an interconnected web of cables and wires that "allows computer networks around the world run by companies, governments, universities and other organizations to talk to one another"(1). The invention of this amazing web of communication is credited to two scientists named Robert Khan and Vinton Cerf (2). They originally used it for transferring data packets between two computers, which we still do to this day, but on a much larger scale as well as many other things.

    The World Wide Web- the 'www' that is at the beginning of every website URL- is a way to view all the information that the Internet offers. The web, which is only a facet of the Internet, was invented by Tim Berners-Lee. The web and the Internet are not the same thing, because the web runs on the Internet. You cannot have the web without the Internet, but you could have the Internet without the web.

    The first ever website was created by Berners-Lee as well. The site's URL is http://info.cern.ch and it is still accessible today. He created the site to describe how the web works to the general public (3). I did some exploring of my own on the site, and I'm honestly not a fan of it. Obviously I appreciate it for being the precursor to modern day technology, but it was ugly and not what I'd consider user-friendly.

Sources used:

1. The Guardian

2. Britannica

3. History


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