Learning to Use Illustrator
I'm really nervous to work with Illustrator because of how many buttons there are on the tool bar. I watched this guy make various shapes and I have no idea how I'll be able to do that. I would love to be able to use Illustrator to make fanart for my favorite stories, but even if I did figure out how to use it, I still can't draw. I don't understand how control points work, so that will be hard to learn.
the video
This video made me less nervous about making curves with the pen tool. It seemed very hard to do when playing that practice game, but that's because there were certain nodes you had to meet. When doing it free-handed you can put the control nodes wherever you want. This video also showed me that I could trace images, which will help me practice drawing the things I want to.
the video
I learned that you can pick what tools are available on your tool bar. This way I could customize the tool bar to only have the tools that I know how to use. I liked how she used the blending tool to make a 3D letter, so I'll give that a try.
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