Inspiration for the "Somewhere" project


    I think this picture from Kirby Jenner's Instagram would be really hard to Photoshop myself into. The pose is very complex, and there's lots of stuff going on in the background. I don't think I would be capable of successfully matching the colors and lighting.

    I chose this picture from Average Rob's Instagram because the background looks like it'd be a criminal's hideout in Criminal Minds, or maybe a place where the BAU would find a body. I'm going to edit myself into a scene where they take down an unidentified subject.

    I like that he made the other two's pants into shorts that are even shorter than the ginger guy's shorts (which aren't even short in the first place).

    I'm not gonna make something that looks like this, but I chose this image because the person is cosplaying Izaya, my favorite character from Durarara.


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