Logo Tag Brush
I made this art piece with the tag I made in Photoshop. The tag was created from the black and white logo I made in Illustrator for a previous assignment. I placed two of the tags together, but then I dragged the brush around for fun.
Here is the tag just by itself.
I put the scratch effect on the tag to make it look like it's sprayed onto a wall like graffiti. I used the negative effect to make it look like there was an eye on the long part of the paint splatter; I really like eye imagery so I thought it was cool that there were circles in the image the professor gave us. Despite all the visual noise around it, the viewer is till able to tell that it's a drawing of a fish. The only bad thing to say about this is that some of the streaking effect crosses right over the top fin, which makes the detail difficult to see. Other than that, it's completely obvious that this is a crying clown triggerfish. Well, it's obvious that's a fish, but only fish experts could tell it's a clown trigger, haha.
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